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February | Madison WI Area Top Real Estate Team Blog

Saturday, February 1, 2025   /   by Ryan Huemmer

February Home Maintenance Checklist

How to clean shower heads and faucet tops. First pour about one cup of distilled white vinegar into a large plastic bag. Place the bag filled with vinegar over your shower head or faucet top so it is submerged in the liquid. Use a zip tie or tape to secure the bag in place. Make sure the entire shower head or faucet top is submerged. Soak for 30-60 minutes and rinse when completed.
Move and clean behind the refrigerator and range. Often neglected and out of sight, right? Dust, mold, food and pests can easily make your kitchen unhealthy. It’s best to use an appliance slider when moving your appliances to prevent scratches, rips or dents on your flooring. Be sure to unplug the appliance when doing your actual cleaning. Sweep the floor, wipe the walls and side of cabinets, clean any dust or grease built-up on the back of the appliance and inspect the area for any damages.
Cleaning blinds and fans. Blinds come in a variety of forms, horizontal or vertical blinds ...

  the huemmer home team, re/max, realtor, wi, real estate agent, madison, home maintenance, february, lpt realty

Friday, March 1, 2024   /   by Ryan Huemmer

February Dane County Housing Market

Community Market reports:Cambridge - bit.ly/CambridgeHousingUpdateColumbus - bit.ly/ColumbusHousingUpdateCottage Grove - bit.ly/CottageGroveHousingUpdateCross Plains - bit.ly/CrossPlainsHousingUpdateDeerfield - bit.ly/DeerfieldHousingUpdateDeforest - bit.ly/DeforestHousingMarketFitchburg - bit.ly/FitchburgHousingUpdateMadison - bit.ly/MadisonHousingUpdateMaple Bluff - bit.ly/MapleBluffHousingUpdateMarshall - bit.ly/MarshallHousingUpdateMcFarland - bit.ly/McFarlandHousingUpdateMiddleton - bit.ly/MiddletonHousingUpdateMonona - bit.ly/MononaHousingUpdateMount Horeb - bit.ly/MountHorebWIHousingUpdateOregon - bit.ly/OregonWIHousingUpdateStoughton - bit.ly/StoughtonWIHousingUpdateSun Prairie - bit.ly/SunPrairieHousingUpdateVerona - bit.ly/VeronaHousingUpdateWaunakee - bit.ly/WaunakeeHousingReportWindsor - bit.ly/WindsorHousingUpdate
The Huemmer Home TeamRE/MAX Preferredtheteam@thhtrealty.co ...

  the huemmer home team, re/max, realtor, wi, real estate agent, amber huemmer, 6082795424, madisonareahomesforsale.com, housing market, dane county, february